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Psychosocial support for Storm Debby victims

durée 13h04
21 août 2024






Ginette  Brisebois
Par Ginette Brisebois

The CISSSMO is offering psychosocial support to Storm Debby victims. Leave a message at this number: 450 455-6171, ext. 70855 (this is a voice mailbox). A return call is guaranteed within 24 hours.

Concerned about your mental health?

Do you need psychosocial support?

According to the Quebec government's Sécurité et situations d'urgence website, reactions after a disaster can be different for those affected, and can include :

Physical reactions may include:

- headache;

- loss of appetite;

- difficulty sleeping;

- muscle tension;

- fatigue;

- stomach pain;

- palpitations;

- stress.

Psycho-emotional reactions may include:

- anxiety;

- confusion;

- difficulty concentrating;

- powerlessness;

- despair;

- guilt;

- fear that the event will happen again;

- sadness;

- denial;

- depressive feelings;

- flashbacks (sudden mental images of what happened);

- difficulty making decisions;

- nightmares;

- anger;

- aggression.



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