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He is the successor to Daniel Bissonnette, who held the position for 38 years.

Sébastien Daviau takes over as general manager of the Regional Museum

durée 07h00
12 septembre 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

The President and members of the Board of Directors of the Musée régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges announce the appointment of Sébastien Daviau to the position of Executive Director, effective January 2025. He succeeds Daniel Bissonnette, who has held the position for 38 years.

“I'm proud to be handing over the reins to Sébastien, who has solid expertise and an excellent knowledge of our region. I enthusiastically offer him my full cooperation during this transition period,” emphasizes Daniel Bissonnette.

At the end of a long and rigorous process, the selection committee, made up of Christiane Clément-Cyr, Lyne Arbec, André-Paul Chevrier and Bernard Bourbonnais, and mandated by the Board of Directors, arrived at this unanimous choice.

“I wish Sébastien every success in his future role as General Manager. The Board of Directors is confident that he will be able to preserve the spirit and dynamism brought by Daniel over all these years, while infusing him with his own personal vision. We assure him of our full cooperation. We look forward to working together,” says Bernard Bourbonnais, Chairman of the Board.

Sébastien Daviau holds two master's degrees in history and museology from the Université de Montréal, and joined the museum in March 2000. Over the years, he has collaborated on the design of numerous ethno-historical exhibitions presented at the Museum and other venues. He has also designed virtual exhibitions, which are still on line.

He has written and collaborated on numerous historical publications. He has also participated in special projects involving regional and national organizations. His work in managing the collection has earned him the title, in 2019, of Curator of Collections and Research.

“After 24 years at the Musée régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, it is with great pleasure that I accept the position of Director. I intend to begin this mandate by continuing to work in close collaboration with all the members of the team and the Board of Directors, so as to continue to promote and develop our fine museum institution, which has now been in existence for 71 years,” says Sébastien Daviau.

In his new role, Mr. Daviau will benefit from the experience of Mr. Bissonnette, who is due to retire at the end of December 2024.




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