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Defendant has no criminal record

Suspended sentence and one year's probation for theft of four tires and two rims

durée 06h30
8 mai 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

On Monday, May 6, Judge Joey Dubois of the Court of Quebec at the Valleyfield courthouse found Steven Poirier guilty of theft under $5,000. The crime was committed at a car dealership in L'Île-Perrot. 

According to the facts presented to the Court, the accused was an accomplice in the theft of four tires and two rims, a crime committed at night in a Vaudreuil-Soulanges automobile dealership. The crime was captured by the company's surveillance cameras. 

“The person at his side promised to reward him for his help. He made the wrong choice under the circumstances. The value of the items stolen was estimated at around $1,000,” explained defense attorney Me. Alexandre Dubé. 

The vehicle in which the pair were travelling was intercepted shortly after the theft.  Faced with the accused's guilty plea and lack of criminal record, Judge Joey Dubois endorsed the lawyers' joint suggestion. 

“I am aware that these are special circumstances and that Mr. Poirier committed an isolated act. I hope not to see you in front of me again. I will accept the joint suggestion of the attorneys and sentence you to a suspended sentence with one year's probation,” he told the accused. 

This probation is accompanied by a host of conditions, such as keeping the peace, not disturbing the peace, good conduct, answering court summonses and a ban on communicating with three people involved in the case.  




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