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29-year-old mother accused of murdering her 5-year-old son

Coteau-du-Lac tragedy: Victim's mother back in court

durée 15h00
20 septembre 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe
En collaboration avec Marie-Claude Pilon

Karyne Légaré, the Coteau-du-Lac mother accused of the premeditated murder of her 5-year-old child, was back in court this Friday, September 20, at the Salaberry-de-Valleyfield courthouse.

The 29-year-old mother, whose identity can now be revealed following the lifting of a publication ban, appeared before Judge Bertrand St-Arnaud by videoconference from Laval's Leclerc penitentiary. A dozen of the accused's family and friends attended the appearance. 

On the night of September 18, police were called to a residence on chemin du Fleuve, in Coteau-du-Lac, where the victim's small body was found lifeless. Two people, including the accused, were on the scene and were transported to hospital. It was reported that the mother had attempted to end her life after the discovery of the child's body. 

Since her incarceration, Karyne Légaré has been barred from contact with her family. She cannot, however, contact her parents or her ex-spouse, the child's father.  

Asked if she understood the conditions of her imprisonment, the accused merely nodded her head in agreement. 

Karine Légaré will be back in court on October 11. 




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