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Chemin du Fleuve

Murder in Coteau-du-Lac: investigations continue at the scene

durée 08h45
19 septembre 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

More than 24 hours after the Coteau-du-Lac tragedy in which a five-year-old boy lost his life, Sûreté du Québec crime scene technicians are still at work at 483 chemin du Fleuve. 

When Néomédia visited the scene earlier on Thursday morning, at least three police vehicles were clearly visible from the house where the tragedy occurred. 

On Wednesday, September 18, at around 3 a.m., an emergency call was made to 911 to report the presence of an unconscious minor inside the residence. Upon arrival at the scene, authorities discovered a lifeless 5-year-old boy. According to national media, the body showed signs of violence. 

Following the investigation, a 29-year-old woman, the child's mother, was formally charged with the most serious crime under the Criminal Code: premeditated murder. According to national media reports, the accused attempted to end her life following the discovery of her son's body. If found guilty at the end of the legal proceedings, the near-thirtysomething will spend a minimum of 25 years behind bars with no possibility of release. 

The woman was known to police for mental health problems. A police cruiser was spotted in front of the residence last week. 

Deeply affected by the tragedy that befell the community, many local residents turned out in front of the single-family home to place stuffed animals in memory of the young man, who had celebrated his 5th birthday last July.

The accused will appear again this Friday, September 20, at the Valleyfield courthouse.   

À lire également: 

- Tragédie de Coteau-du-Lac: la mère est accusée du meurtre de son enfant

- Un enfant de 5 ans est retrouvé sans vie à Coteau-du-Lac




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