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For assault and breach of probation

A 90-day prison sentence imposed on a Vaudreuil-Soulanges citizen

durée 05h00
27 août 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

A former employee of a Vaudreuil-Dorion car dealership, Alex De Sève, will have to serve a 90-day intermittent prison sentence starting Sunday, September 1, after pleading guilty to assault and breach of probation. This sentence is accompanied by two years' probation. 

The sentence was handed down by Judge Bertrand St-Arnaud at the Salaberry-de-Valleyfield courthouse on Monday August 26. Mr. De Sève will have to answer for the assault of one and the same victim, as well as for a breach of probation in connection with the same case. 

Mr. De Sève, who is the new father of a seven-month-old toddler, now works in the construction industry, holding down a job six days a week. His lawyer, Me Jacques Vinet, confirmed this to the court. 

“If we deduct the preventive detention, which is equivalent to five days, my client still has 85 days of prison to serve on a discontinuous basis. Since his new job will require him to work from Monday to Saturday, we suggest that this sentence be served on Sunday. In this way, he will be able to keep his job and continue to be an asset to society. In this way, he will be able to keep his job and continue to be an asset to society,” the lawyer informed the court. 

In addition to the prison sentence, Mr. De Sève was given 2 years' probation with a number of conditions, including keeping the peace, responding to court summonses, not contacting the victim or referring to her on social networks.“My client no longer has any contact with the victim and is currently in a stable relationship that is much less toxic than the one he had at the time of the events,” he said. 

Faced with these arguments, Judge Bertrand St-Arnaud endorsed the joint suggestion of the two lawyers and told the accused that every Sunday, starting September 1, he would have to go to the penitentiary from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. to serve his sentence.  





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