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Eventually, it wants to build a bypass around rue Lippé

Municipalité des Coteaux buys property on rue Doucet

durée 17h00
23 octobre 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

The Municipalité des Coteaux is now the owner of the residence located at 21 rue Doucet, which it acquired for the sum of $219,900. This was announced at the regular meeting of the municipal council held on Monday, October 21. 

“With the current situation on rue Lippé, the Municipality must provide a bypass road if necessary. I can assure you that we are monitoring the situation very closely and doing our utmost to ensure that things move forward quickly. With a view to putting in place an alternative route for people in the area should the current subsidence worsen, we have therefore acquired this residence with a view to developing the future Rue Rémillard in this sector. But this will be done in the medium to long term,” says Mayor Sylvain Brazeau on the subject. 

For the moment, rue Doucet is a cul-de-sac backing onto the railroad tracks. “We've also filed a right of forfeiture on two other houses on the same street. Our long-term goal is to build a street there, with one lane on each side, that would serve as a bypass road for local residents. It's going to be a very long process,” Pamela Nantel, Director General of the Municipalité des Coteaux, told Néomédia at the end of the meeting. 

For the uninitiated, the right of lapsing is a new tool available to local authorities to purchase a property at a price close to the market price, since it is based on the price of an accepted offer to purchase.

Moreover, a right of forfeiture means that the owners of residences covered by it must, as a matter of priority, propose the sale of their home to the Municipality before any other buyer.

What does the Municipality intend to do with the residence at 21 rue Doucet?“We haven't determined that yet,” she concludes.






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