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Investments totaling $446,473,650

Vaudreuil-Dorion adopts a five-year plan with over 100 projects

durée 04h30
14 août 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

Marco Pilon, FCPA, OMA, Director of Finance, Treasury and Treasurer, presented the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion's 2025-2029 five-year capital expenditure plan (PQI) at a special meeting on Monday evening, which was subsequently adopted by the municipal council. This program calls for investments totalling $446,473,650.

Adopted each year, the IQP is a planning tool enabling the municipal administration to prioritize its financial resources according to its objectives, and to have a global vision of projects in order to better anticipate financial needs. The amounts entered can be modified along the way, since the IQP is a dashboard that can be adjusted according to the challenges, needs, unforeseen events and opportunities that may arise.

"Major projects are included in the 2025-2029 five-year plan. Some are necessary for the development of the city of Vaudreuil-Dorion, such as those involving infrastructure. Others stem from the public consultations we held in connection with the adoption of various municipal policies, such as strategic planning, the family and seniors policy, the environmental policy and the participatory budget. We always keep in mind the population's ability to pay, and the municipal council will ensure that it is respected," declared Mayor Guy Pilon. 

The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion's 2025-2029 QIP includes more than 100 projects, including the following:

- Rehabilitation of Vieux-Dorion infrastructure (aqueduct, sewer and new outfall to Vaudreuil Bay) ($21.5 million);
- Widening of boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes, from rue des Floralies to the future
hospital, including a bicycle lane ($30.7 million);
- Construction of a multifunctional footbridge over Autoroute 30 to access the hospital
hospital ($4.5 million);
- Increased sanitary sewer capacity in the Harwood - De Lotbinière sector ($20 million);
- Redevelopment of rue Chicoine between route de Lotbinière and rue Brown ($14 million);
- Construction of a new municipal garage on rue Henry-Ford ($25 million);

- Construction of two refrigerated skating rinks, at the Pôle municipal ($475,000) and at the Parc-école des Quatre-Saisons school park ($13.9 million);
- Construction of two basketball courts on the Cité-des-Jeunes campus ($1.9 million);
- Improvement projects at Paul-Gérin-Lajoie park (addition of volleyball courts, lighting and a training module) ($675,000);
- Construction of a synthetic field at École secondaire des Échos ($1.45 million). 

It should be noted that some projects, such as the rehabilitation of infrastructure in Vieux-Dorion and the multifunctional footbridge over Autoroute 30, may be eligible for financial assistance from the Quebec government, depending on the programs available. The redevelopment of rue Chicoine has been awarded a grant of $2.464 million. 



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