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From May 15

Lakeshore Hospital: A modular emergency awaiting major renovation

durée 06h30
15 mai 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

On Monday, Health Minister Christian Dubé inaugurated the new modular building at the Lakeshore General Hospital in Pointe-Claire. This temporary facility houses a modern emergency room, adapted to the needs of patients and staff, while the hospital's expansion work is completed. The brand-new modular emergency department will welcome its first patients on May 15.

The new ER premises are now located on the first floor of the two-storey modular building, with a total surface area of over 3,140 m². This new, modern, standards-compliant care environment will ensure greater safety, better access and enhanced quality of care and services for the population.

In addition to the emergency department on the first floor, the modular building will house the future Groupe de médecine de famille universitaire (GMF-U) on the second floor, a joint project with McGill University.

Among other things, the future GMF-U will be able to receive and care for users presenting to the emergency department for non-urgent situations (priorities P4 and P5). In this way, they will be redirected to a resource better suited to their needs.

What's more, the modular building will house the Rapid Access Clinic (RAC) on the second floor, helping to increase fluidity within the hospital. The future GMF-U and CAR will be open to customers from May 29, 2024.

“Modernizing our healthcare facilities is one of the priorities identified in the Health Plan. Quebecers in the region, as well as our staff, deserve to benefit from facilities that meet their needs.While the Lakeshore General Hospital's new emergency project will be completed in the next few years, the modular building will allow us to offer care and services in a safe, modern and better adapted environment in the meantime,” said the Minister of Health.

The modular building will remain in place for a few years to facilitate the hospital's expansion and the construction of the new emergency department, scheduled to start in 2025.



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