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Four silver red foxes recently born at Ecomuseum Zoo

durée 09h00
26 mai 2023






Par John Jantak, Journaliste

The entire team at the Ecomuseum Zoo welcomed four recently born silver red foxes who are now seven weeks old and doing well. 

"They started coming out of their den about one or two weeks ago. At first we didn't know how many there were. Up until today we thought there were three. But now we know there are four," Ecomuseum Executive Director David Rodrigue told Néomédia in an exclusive interview on Thursday, May 25.

This is not the first time a silver red fox has given birth at the Ecomuseum Zoo. "The last time was a long time ago," said Rodrigue who has been with the zoo for 33 years.

"The staff suspected the female fox was pregnant and anticipated a possible birth. We knew it could happen and it did," Rodrigue said. 

He added that recent vistors to the Ecomusem who have seen at least two of the newborn foxes have had a "super nice reaction" to the newest additions.

"People are very excited. They know we don't encourage breeding of the animals in our care. We actually discourage it and the animals are usually sterilized but sometimes there are exceptions," said Rodrigue. 

In order to allow the pubic to observe the newborns and ensure the well-being of the animals, visitors are advised not to create crowds and limit noise.

"Our visitors want to see the animals but we try to limit the size of groups and noise. It's the well-being of our animals that comes first. I'm pretty sure people are going to be respectful of that," said Rodrigue. 

These simple procedures will help to create a more suitable and peaceful atmosphere that may entice the cubs to show themselves, he added.

The Ecomuseum Zoo is located in Ste. Anne de Bellevue.




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