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Call for projects launched by the Municipality of Pointe-des-Cascades and the Parc du canal de Soulanges

An invitation to Vaudreuil-Soulanges artisans

durée 06h00
3 août 2023






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

The Municipality of Pointe-des-Cascades and the Parc du canal de Soulanges are joining forces to issue a call for projects to artisans for the design and construction of an entrance arch for the Parc Nature of Pointe-des-Cascades.

The arch will be placed at the beginning of the Parc Nature trails. In its call for artisans, the organization states that the purpose of implementing a clear visual symbol, via a structural work, is to invite visitors in the village core to explore the trails.

The document states that "the chosen work will be discussed between the craftsman proposing it and the instigators of the project, who will act as an artistic steering committee to ensure that the new structure blends in well with the existing cultural landscape."

The entrance arch will be located in Parc Saint-Pierre, at 60 chemin du fleuve in Pointe-des-Cascades, and will overhang the existing asphalt trail.

This project is made possible thanks to the financial support of the Conseil des arts et de la culture de Vaudreuil-Soulanges through its Programme d'innovation culturelle et numérique 2023.

An arch to define the park entrance 

The need for an arch at the entrance to Parc Nature stems from the fact that users frequently misunderstand the exact location of its entrance.

They mistakenly believe that it is located at the pay station on chemin du fleuve. In reality, the latter is enclosed within the park and is used to charge boaters for the privilege of launching a boat.

Unfortunately, the occasional walker who drives up to this point is charged $15 for vehicle entry, whereas access to the Nature Park trails is totally free.

The start of the Nature Park is actually located in the heart of the village, behind the pergola of Parc Saint-Pierre. This is where the first trail begins, the newly named Promenade du Canal, a path leading to the scuba diving basin, the belvedere, the Village des Écluses, as well as the part of the park bordered by the St. Lawrence River and Lake Saint-Louis.

In its call for projects, the Parc du canal de Soulanges specifies that it would like users to make use of this space with the following objectives:

1) To have free access to the park;

2) To discover a greater part of the park than they are aware of when they park inside;

3) Encourage active travel in the municipality;

4) Enable users to move more easily between the various sites in Pointe-des-Cascades.

New signage for the Nature Park, developed through a collaboration between the Municipality of Pointe-des-Cascades and the Parc du canal de Soulanges, will be implemented in 2023.

The signage will indicate where the entrance to the Nature Park is located, but the organization also wants to clearly mark this access by integrating it into the cultural landscape, in the form of an entrance arch overhanging the bike path trail.

"We firmly believe that the installation of a structural work of art will help us to change the habits of users of the Nature Park so that they enter the park at the right place, and thus enjoy the whole of what it has to offer (cultural landscape, heritage, cultural activities) rather than just the resort part called Pointe Juillet," the document reads. 

Sustainable materials to be favored 

The materials used must be in line with Pointe-des-Cascades' cultural policy on sustainable development. Buildings along the canal must respect and enhance the spirit of the site.

In this context, the materials and forms proposed must reflect and blend harmoniously with the heritage landscape of the Soulanges Canal. Noble, identifying materials should be favored, such as: - light-colored wood (or light-colored composites), - stone, concrete or surfaces reminiscent of masonry, - light-colored metal (stainless steel, galvanized steel or aluminum), - black metal (cast iron, steel, etc.).

Final assembly

The project submitted must take into account the fact that the entrance arch will be anchored to the ground using either techno-piles or cement-filled sono-tubes, depending on the engineering requirements of the structure.

The Municipality of Pointe-Cascades and Soulanges Canal Park will oversee the final installation, in conjunction with the craftsman, and will be responsible for all related costs.

All craftspeople are welcome to apply. The application must contain the following elements:

  • Curriculum vitae or up-to-date artistic profile;
  • Portfolio, including a brief explanation of the artistic or craft approach;
  • Letter of interest indicating inspiration for the project and/or motivation for submitting a proposal; Ideas related to the project/proposal:
  • List of materials, mediums and techniques used, and how they are compatible with the general idea of the project (outdoor installation);
  • Breakdown of costs, with a maximum budget of 15,000 (including taxes).

Complete applications (documents assembled in a single PDF document) can be e-mailed to Martin Champagne, coordinator of sports, recreation, culture and community life for the Municipality of Pointe-des-Cascades, at [email protected] no later than 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, September 10.

All questions about the call for projects must also be sent by e-mail.



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