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Early childhood centers

Strike in sight at Vaudreuil-Soulanges daycare centers?

durée 08h30
23 mai 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

The Fédération des intervenantes en petite enfance du Québec (FIPEQ-CSQ) confirms, following consultations at general assemblies, an initial mandate for a progressive strike adopted by 85% of members in the early childhood center (CPE) sector.

If implemented, the progressive strike would result in CPEs opening 30 minutes later than normal, then an hour later, then two hours later and so on, up to half a day.

In Vaudreuil-Soulanges, CPEs affiliated with the Alliance des intervenantes en milieu familial du Suroît, among others, could take strike action, since they are represented by the CSQ.

“This mandate will be used as a last resort and at a time deemed appropriate by the federation in order to achieve the objective of real negotiations, i.e. to ensure an improvement in the working conditions of childcare workers through the renewal of collective agreements,” explains a press release issued on Tuesday by the FIPEQ.

The main item on the negotiating table is the improvement of working conditions for childcare workers.

On May 14, fourteen months after the end of the agreements and almost eight months after the union's demands had been tabled, the Quebec government tabled its first offer, which the Federation considered insufficient. Among other things, this first offer proposed a 12.7% wage increase spread over five years.

“Since the beginning of this round of bargaining, we have sensed a lack of interest on the part of the government in negotiating to renew the collective agreements of childcare workers. Unfortunately, heavy-handed pressure tactics like strikes seem to be the only thing that gets them to react. Our goal is simple: to improve the conditions of childcare staff in a way that reflects their responsibility and impact on our society. We will use the tools at our disposal to achieve this, and that's why we consulted our members to acquire a strike mandate,” confirms Valérie Grenon, President of FIPEQ-CSQ.

With its strike mandate in hand, the FIPEQ-CSQ plans to continue to make the real needs of care workers heard, so that they are recognized for their fair value. 




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