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A successful first edition for the "Gala Reconnaissance de l'Action Communautaire Vaudreuil-Soulanges''

durée 15h30
7 novembre 2023






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

Nearly 110 people, mainly from the community sector in Vaudreuil-Soulanges, gathered at the Omnicentre in Pincourt on November 3 for the first Gala Reconnaissance de l'Action Communautaire Vaudreuil-Soulanges.

A total of 44 organizations were represented at the event, whose aim was to shine the spotlight on the essential players whose dedication and determination significantly shape the social fabric of Vaudreuil-Soulanges.

Among the guests were federal and provincial MPs Claude DeBellefeuille, Marie-Claude Nichols and Marilyne Picard, the federal MP for Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Peter Schiefke, and the Minister responsible for Social Solidarity and Community Action, Chantal Rouleau. Numerous elected municipal officials also took part in the celebrations.

Dominic and Simon Larivée, well known in the region, provided the evening's entertainment. Guests were also treated to magic acts by magician Michel Huot. Catering was provided by the Centre communautaire des aînés de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, and bar service by Distillerie Trois-Lacs.

Sébastien Legros, General Manager of the CDC-VS, expressed his satisfaction with the high turnout at the event, and underlined the organization's desire to hold a second edition of the Gala Reconnaissance de l'Action Communautaire Vaudreuil-Soulanges in the future.

"The mobilization and enthusiasm of the community for this event is remarkable. We're delighted to see how well this event has been received, which gives us positive momentum to consider a future edition. We're convinced that this type of celebration helps strengthen ties within our community and highlights the exceptional work of community organizations," he said.

Good deeds

There were many moments of appreciation and recognition, highlighting the initiatives and positive actions of these exceptional individuals and organizations.

The region's organizations had the opportunity to showcase their achievements through short videos highlighting a "good deed" they had accomplished over the past year.

These videos added an interactive and moving dimension to the evening, allowing everyone to better understand the positive impact of local initiatives. Following the unveiling of the videos, guests were invited to vote for their favorite organization.

Following the public vote during the evening, the organizations Centre Prénatal et jeunes familles and Répit Le Zéphyr each received a gift basket of regional products donated by the social economy enterprise Coop CSUR - Marché Écolocal.

The event was marked by a sense of celebration, inspiration and recognition, underscoring the crucial importance of the work of community organizations in the region. 

"The Gala Reconnaissance de l'Action Communautaire Vaudreuil-Soulanges was a true tribute to the remarkable involvement of community organizations in our region. Their work and expertise make a significant difference in the lives of Vaudreuil-Soulanges residents, and we are proud to celebrate them tonight," said Véronique Girard, President of the Board of Directors of the Corporation de développement communautaire de Vaudreuil-Soulanges (CDC-VS).



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