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Customs tariffs

“Even if their implantation is postponed, the uncertainty remains” - Marie-Claude Nichols

durée 07h30
5 février 2025






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

In the wake of U.S. President Donald Trump's announcement of a reprieve from the 25% tariffs, Marie-Claude Nichols, independent Member of Parliament for Vaudreuil, is concerned about the situation and its impact on businesses and citizens in the riding of Vaudreuil.

"The various tariff announcements are raising concerns, and I am attentive to the worries expressed by our community. Every day, my team and I respond to calls and e-mails from people wondering about the impacts to come. There's a great deal of concern among entrepreneurs, but also among the general public. People are afraid that their groceries, among other things, will cost more," stressed Marie-Claude Nichols, in a telephone interview with Néomédia.

The MP is keen to reassure the public: “We are working with the federal authorities - and I'd like to thank Peter Schiefke for his work - and we are listening to representatives of neighbouring counties and the organizations concerned, in order to monitor developments and defend the interests of our region,” she adds.

"In this context, solidarity is more important than ever. I encourage local purchasing to support our businesses and producers. Together, let's stay mobilized," concludes Marie-Claude Nichols.

To read also: 

Tariffs: How consumers will be affected




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