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Adoption of fiscal year

A 2.66% tax increase in Rigaud in 2025

durée 05h00
20 décembre 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

On the evening of Wednesday, December 18, Rigaud's municipal council adopted the fiscal year 2025. This includes a property tax rate increase of 2.66%, representing a $50 variation on the tax bill of the owner of a residence valued at $415,000 and located in the downtown area. 

According to the PowerPoint presentation made public during the special meeting, this property tax rate increase will have a different impact on the tax bill, mainly due to variations in the costs of certain rate-financed services. 

“We are aware that the last few months have not been easy for our employees. We had to respond to the order books of elected officials, developers and citizens, in addition to continuing to offer services to the population. All this while preparing major projects in a context marked by the departure of many colleagues and the General Manager. Bravo, you've shown great resilience to achieve this,” said Mayor Marie-Claude Frigault at the outset.  

Highlights of the 2025 budget include a 7.8% increase in the Sûreté du Québec's bill. The Vaudreuil-Soulanges MRC's share of the bill will increase by 4.1% over the next twelve months. This period will also be favourable for the implementation of a pilot project aimed at setting up an in-house first responder guard on municipal territory, and for the gradual takeover of the Sanctuaire de Lourdes. In addition, in 2025, the municipal administration will aim to use free surpluses to absorb exceptional expenses, such as the revision of the urban plan and bylaws. 

500,000 increase in operating budget 

For 2025, Ville de Rigaud will have a budget of $18,639,679, or $584,542 more than for the year ending December 31. Its main revenues will come from general and sectoral taxes ($13,793,167), in lieu of taxes ($1,614,069), services rendered to municipal organizations ($496,230), other revenues from local sources ($1,904,110) and transfers ($831,802).  

Expenses for each department will be as follows: 

- General administration: $2,912,317; 

- Public safety: $4,244,243; 

- Road transportation: $3,751,820; 

- Environmental health: $1,403,600; 

- Planning and development: $1,093,739; 

- Recreation and culture: $1,992,310; 

- Health and well-being: $47,463; 

- Long-term debt: $2,318,315; 

- Allocation of reserved funds: - $77,600;

- Allocation to fixed assets: $63,700; 

- Surplus appropriation - non-recurring expenses: $181,214. 

Lower tax rate 

For 2025, the prime rate for general property taxes will be set at $0.4658 / $100, compared with the current year's rate of $0.6924 / $100. For non-residential properties, it will be $0.9881 / $100, lower than in 2024 ($1.2349 / $100). For its part, the general special tax (all borrowing by-laws combined) will be $0.0768/$100, compared with $0.1033/$100 for the year just ended. 

For services, Rigaud residents will have to pay the following amounts from their municipal tax bills:  

- Garbage - residential prime rate: $94.22; 

- Garbage - commercial prime rate: $123.20; 

- Recycling - residential and commercial rate: $76.20; 

- Organics - residential rate: $73.17; 

This tax bill will also be supplemented by various rates for drinking water and wastewater in the various sectors of the Town. 

For septic tanks, owners will be charged $26.46 for emptying residential, commercial and other tanks. The same amount will be charged for permanent non-residential tanks, and $254.18 for the maintenance of ultraviolet systems. 

All councillors voted in favour of fiscal 2025. 

To view simulated tax bills for 2025, or access all the information on the 2025 budget and the 2025-2027 PT, please visit this link: 



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