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702 people sign the register

Coteau-du-Lac refrigerated skating rink: citizens have their say

durée 07h00
3 mars 2025






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste
En collaboration avec Jessica Brisson

A total of 702 people voted against the proposed borrowing by-law totalling $4.5 million for the Coteau-du-Lac refrigerated skating rink project.

The signature threshold for this project was 609. According to the law, since the minimum number of signatures required has been reached, the elected officials have two choices: submit the borrowing by-law to a referendum or abandon it. 

“I would like to thank all the citizens who took the time to come and express their views on the project. The municipal council will meet in the coming weeks to discuss the various options. The people of Coteau-du-Lac will then be informed of the decisions made and the next steps,” emphasized Mayor Andrée Brosseau, the day after the register was held.

It's worth noting that on social networks, many citizens have spoken out against the draft by-law.

To read also: 

The City of Coteau-du-Lac unveils its refrigerated skating rink project

- Coteau-du-Lac adopts a $7.5 M borrowing by-law



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