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Provincial policy

Flood zone mapping: CAQ refuses to study petition

durée 07h00
6 février 2025






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

The Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) government has decided not to act on a petition signed by nearly 2,400 citizens, and tabled at the National Assembly on November 26, calling for the postponement of the adoption of regulations surrounding the new mapping of flood-prone areas, and to ensure that public consultations are held until all preliminary maps have been presented to citizens.

On January 30, in parliamentary committee, the elected representatives decided not to act on the citizens' request.

If the by-law were to be adopted today, more than 2,000 homes in Vaudreuil-Soulanges would find themselves in flood-prone zones. In Vaudreuil-Dorion alone, 1,207 buildings would be affected, including the water filtration plant and the Cité-des-Jeunes campus, to name but a few. For the portion of Vaudreuil-Soulanges included in the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM), we're talking about over 1,700 affected properties. 

In its current version, the new regulations would prohibit all construction in flood-prone areas, but would also prohibit the implementation of protective measures for existing buildings. For example, a homeowner wishing to insulate the floor of his or her residence would not be able to do so under the new regulations. It goes without saying that insurance and mortgage issues will also compromise the resale of homes.

The petition also called for a simple, accessible process for revising the mapping of flood and mobility zones. To date, however, citizens only have access to the preliminary map produced by the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM), which covers only part of the municipalities concerned. Some residents, notably in Rigaud, still don't know whether they're in a flood zone or not.

A science-based approach, according to the CAQ

For Soulanges MNA Marilyne Picard, revising flood zone regulations represents an essential measure for adapting to climate change. “Our government has submitted for consultation a science-based regulatory framework for activities permitted in flood-prone areas, as well as the methodological framework that will enable us to produce up-to-date mapping,” she said. In her opinion, the continued consultations and the scientific approach adopted justify the Commission's decision not to proceed with the petition.

For her part, Marie-Claude Nichols, MNA for Vaudreuil, deplores the government's attitude, which she deems out of touch with the region's realities. "We really realize how disinterested the CAQ is in our region. If the by-law is adopted as is, the riding of Vaudreuil will be one of the hardest hit," she asserts.

She insists on the willingness of citizens to collaborate with the government, while calling on the CAQ to show greater openness. "There are less damaging solutions to be implemented. Citizens and municipalities are ready to work with the government. If there's a battle to be fought, we'll fight it," she adds.




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