Concerned citizens wish to be heard
Maison Charlebois: Petition against zoning change

Par Félix Sabourin, Journaliste
Residents of Rigaud are circulating a petition to oppose a proposed bylaw to change the zoning of the Maison Charlebois. This change would allow the construction of multi-dwelling buildings in the zone.
Launched on January 29, the petition aims to oppose the modification of by-law 275-31-2024, adopted on January 21 at a municipal council meeting. To date, the petition has been signed by over 130 people.
In the petition, citizens fear the transformation of the urban landscape, the significant densification of the population and the traffic problems generated by this same densification, as well as the increase in danger for schoolchildren attending École de l'Épervière and Collège Bourget, and the loss of trees and shrubs of various species located on the community's territory.
The signatories would like to see a full analysis of the potential impacts of the zoning change, a solution to ensure better road safety for schoolchildren, and the implementation of sufficient regulations to ensure the conservation of the tree heritage in the targeted area.
It is still possible for people to sign the petition on the website.
The Clercs de Saint-Viateur will soon have to leave
In an interview with Néomédia, Father Raymond Maltais, one of the two Clercs de Saint-Viateur living at Maison Charlebois, asserts that the group that bought the property does not wish to demolish the building.
The 80-year-old cleric has lived in the house for 24 years and is responsible for the building's maintenance. He has until next Monday to vacate the premises.
Asked about the intentions of the new owners, Raymond Maltais says he doesn't know exactly what their plans are. However, he confirms that the group that bought Maison Charlebois does not wish to demolish the building. “The exterior appearance will be preserved. They like the character of old religious community buildings. They're going to transform the interior a little, that's for sure, but it's not going to be thrown on the ground.”
Built in 1968, Maison Charlebois long belonged to the religious order of the Clercs de Saint-Viateur. It was used to house retired clerics.
The several-hectare site was officially purchased on June 28, 2024 by the Rebel Investissement real estate group.
Citizen protest
It should be noted that citizens have until February 4 at 4:30 p.m. to have their say on the matter by signing the register at Town Hall or by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Otherwise, the by-law will be officially accepted without further consultation. All information is available on the Ville de Rigaud website under the “Avis publics” tab.
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