Lac des Deux Montagnes
Icebreakers near the Île-aux-Tourtes bridge
Par Félix Sabourin, Journaliste
The Ministry of Transport has announced that icebreaker boats will be deployed on Lac des Deux Montagnes and in the Baie de Vaudreuil. These vessels will facilitate the transport of materials and the movement of barges.
These operations will impact the thickness of the ice. The ministry is therefore urging citizens to exercise caution during any recreational activities on the ice. It is recommended to check the ice thickness before venturing out.
The icebreakers will operate daily in the Baie de Vaudreuil, near the Galipeault Bridge and the construction zone of the new Île-aux-Tourtes Bridge.
Boat operations are scheduled from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Schedules are subject to change depending on needs, operational constraints, and weather conditions.
The opening of a fourth traffic lane on the bridge is being considered by the Ministry of Transport. For now, no official announcement has been made regarding the opening date of this lane, but it is expected by the end of winter 2025.
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