Over $200,000 raised
Moisson Sud-Ouest's Guignolée des médias a great success
The 2024 edition of the Guignolée des médias organized by Moisson Sud-Ouest on December 5 raised the tidy sum of $236,141.91. The 21st edition of the event brought together 375 volunteers at 14 street collection sites spread over eight municipal territories.
Smiles and motivation were the order of the day as donations were collected. It's important to remember that every dollar collected during the Guignolée des médias helps the food bank feed the region throughout the year, while the need for food is growing.
On a day-to-day basis, Moisson Sud-Ouest supports over 85 organizations throughout the Vallée-du-Haut-Saint-Laurent region, including the Beauharnois-Salaberry and Vaudreuil-Soulanges MRCs.
“Moisson Sud-Ouest, the Suroît food bank, would like to thank its partners, the organizing committee, the media, the municipalities, the volunteers, the partners and all the donors for their involvement and commitment,” says the press release.
Donations can be made year-round to the regional food bank by visiting the organization's website at https://moissonsudouest.org/.
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