The artistic initiative took place last December
COOP CSUR announces the winner of its drawing competition
In December, COOP CSUR invited budding young artists from Vaudreuil-Soulanges to take part in its holiday-themed drawing competition. At the start of 2025, we now know the identity of the winner of this cultural initiative.
Alicia, 10, is the granddaughter of one of the members of COOP CSUR. Her drawing is a tribute to Lise Couët, a founder of CSUR, who passed away last year.
Her drawing was used to present end-of-year greetings to COOP CSUR members, partners and suppliers.
The contest was an opportunity for all participating children to give free rein to their creativity on a holiday theme, and a pleasure for the organization's team members to discover the talents of the little artists. All participants will receive a $10 gift voucher to Marché Écolocal.
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