They were born on January 1 at 7:18 and 9:04 a.m
Eugénie and Lilikim are the first babies of the year in Montérégie-Ouest
The first baby of 2025 at Anna-Laberge Hospital is a little girl named Eugénie. She was born on January 1 at 7:18 a.m., weighing 3656 grams. Her parents, Jade Godard and Jasmyn Pulfer, are overjoyed. Dr. Caroline Lavoie had the pleasure of attending the birth.
At Hôpital du Suroît, the first baby of the year is a little girl named Lilikim. She was born on January 1 at 9:04 a.m., weighing 2879 grams. Her parents, Véronique Filion and Jean-François Sauvé, are delighted to welcome her. The birth was assisted by Dr. Laurie Lubin.
Santé Québec Montérégie-Ouest congratulates the families on this wonderful news at the start of the new year.
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