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Vaudreuil-Dorion's holiday schedule changes

durée 14h30
20 décembre 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

As the holiday season approaches, the Ville de Vaudreuil-Dorion wishes to inform its residents of the special opening hours for some of its services and activities during this period.

Administrative offices will be closed from December 24 to January 2 inclusively. Citizens are invited to call 3-1-1 for requests requiring municipal intervention. Please note that the administrators of the Town's Facebook page are also taking a holiday break.

The library will be open according to its regular schedule, with the exception of December 24, 25, 26 and 31, and January 1 and 2. 


Food waste and recycling collections will be held on the usual schedule until the end of December. Garbage collection has been moved to Tuesdays, December 24 (sectors A and B) and December 31 (sectors C, D and E).

A special collection for surplus recyclables will be held on January 3, 2025. Any additional recyclables can be deposited next to the blue bin in the transparent bags provided. For cardboard boxes, simply dismantle them, stack them in a single box measuring no more than 90 cm by 90 cm, and place them next to the blue bin.

Christmas tree collection will take place between January 6 and 17, 2025. It is important that trees are deposited at the curb before January 6. They can also be taken to the Maison-Valois park. After this date, they can still be disposed of at the municipal workshops (205, rue Valois).

Swimming and skating

The pool and arena will be closed on December 24, 25, 26 and 31, as well as January 1 and 2. The public swimming and skating schedule for the holiday season is available on the Town's website.

Outdoor rinks

Rink opening times and ice conditions depend on the weather. City teams do everything in their power to make them optimal as soon as possible. To find out whether they are open, residents are invited to visit the État des services section of the citizen portal (BCITI+ application). The same applies to the trails at Harwood Nature Park and the slides at Maison-Valois Park and Nature Park. Equipment loans will be available at both locations. Full details and a schedule of service buildings are available on the Town's website.


Lumin'Art runs until February 16, 2025 at Parc Le 405. Every evening, people are invited to admire the Mutation art exhibition, featuring 56 works, 39 by Vaudreuil-Soulanges artists and 17 by students from Vaudreuil-Dorion schools and residents of seniors' residences. These creations join the giant lanterns, luminous barrels and bubbles of recent years.

Winter parking line and alternative parking facilities

Although on-street parking is prohibited from November 15 to April 1, between midnight and 7 a.m., a winter parking line (450 455-3372) has been in operation for several years now, to lighten regulations and keep pace with weather conditions. Every day, starting at 5 p.m., a telephone message is updated to indicate whether or not it is permitted to park on the street after midnight that evening. It is also possible to subscribe to parking notices on the citizen portal (BCITI+ application). Please note that where a no-parking sign is posted, it takes precedence over the telephone message.

When parking is prohibited, vehicles may be parked in one of the following lots:

- Arena and municipal library; 
- Jean-Marc-Ducharme community center; 
- Bel-Air park; 
- Parc de Dorion-Gardens (in compliance with existing signage); 
- Maison-Valois park; 
- Montée Cadieux Park; 
- Parc Esther-Blondin; 
- Parc Félix-Leclerc; 
- Parc Lorne-Worsley; 
- Parc Paul-Gérin-Lajoie; 
- Parc Trudeau; 
- Fabrique parking lot; 
- Très-Sainte-Trinité church parking lot (145, avenue Saint-Charles). 

Delivery of municipal calendar

With the resumption of mail delivery by Canada Post, it is now possible to send the 2025 municipal calendar to all residences on the territory, without however being able to establish a precise timetable. In the meantime, the digital version can be consulted on the Town's website. 



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