Quebec Federation of Chambers of Commerce
Pierjean Savard appointed President of the FCCQ
At their Annual General Meeting on November 14, the members of the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (FCCQ) announced the appointment of Pierjean Savard as Chairman of the Board for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
Very active in the Vaudreuil-Soulange business community, Pierjean Savard heads Conteneurs Experts and has chaired the industrial committee of DEV's board of directors since January 2017.
Recall that this committee, made up of economic players with recognized expertise in the industrial sector, is mandated to provide DEV with directions for its sector of activity and identify the actions required to foster economic development, diversity and job creation on the territory.
"The FCCQ is a powerful voice for Quebec businesses, and I am honoured to chair its Board of Directors in the coming year. I look forward to working hand in hand with our members, partners and teams to implement innovative and structuring initiatives for our businesses and our economy", said Mr. Savard, Chairman of the FCCQ Board of Directors.
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