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La Grande Secousse

Would you know what to do in the event of an earthquake?

durée 09h53
17 octobre 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

If Quebec were to be hit by an earthquake, would you know what to do? Would you know the steps to take to ensure your safety?

This is the reminder from "La Grande Secousse du Québec," the world's largest earthquake drill, which will take place this Thursday, October 17, at 10:17 AM. This event aims to raise public awareness about life-saving actions in the event of an earthquake.

“La Grande Secousse encourages the public, schools, and organizations to practice three simple actions when the ground shakes: ‘Drop,’ ‘Cover,’ and ‘Hold on.’ These steps are essential for ensuring safety during an earthquake,” says the organization.

If no shelter is available, it is strongly advised to stay on the ground, away from windows, and protect your head and neck with your arms. If outdoors, avoid running to prevent tripping on unstable ground.

A region in a risk zone

According to Earthquakes Canada, about 450 earthquakes occur in Quebec each year. Of these, around 30 are strong enough to be felt.

Seven of Quebec's 10 largest cities are located in earthquake risk zones, including Montreal, Quebec City, and Laval.

Other small to medium-sized municipalities are also located in risk zones, notably the 82 cities that make up the Montreal Metropolitan Community (CMM).

Many localities in the Laurentians, Lanaudière, Outaouais, Capitale-Nationale, Chaudière-Appalaches, Bas-Saint-Laurent, Charlevoix, Gaspésie, and Côte-Nord regions are also at risk of earthquakes.

Being prepared

Although major earthquakes are rare, they can cause significant damage to buildings and infrastructure.

To be ready to respond in such circumstances, the partners of La Grande Secousse recommend preparing a 72-hour emergency kit, which allows for self-sufficiency for three days while waiting for help to arrive.

The emergency kit should at least contain potable water (2L per day per person), non-perishable food and a manual can opener, a battery-powered radio with extra batteries, a flashlight, a lighter or matches, candles, and a first aid kit.

For more information about La Grande Secousse, visit:



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