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Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac wants to buy part of a woodland

durée 09h00
1 octobre 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

The Municipality of Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac is preparing to buy a portion of a woodland to ensure its conservation. A draft borrowing by-law will be tabled at the next council meeting, scheduled for October 2nd. 

Valued at $2.8 million, the lot in the Municipality's sights covers 11.3 hectares, representing over 55% of the woodland's total area. Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac will be eligible for $1,338,480 in financial assistance from the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal as part of its “Trame verte et bleue” program.

The Nature Conservancy of Canada will also contribute $500,000 to the purchase, leaving the municipality with a bill of $961,520. For an average home valued at $547,000, the loan represents $165 per year over 30 years.

If all goes according to plan, the purchase will be finalized in January 2025.

An ongoing dispute since 2007

The Municipality has been working for several years to protect the woodland. The dispute dates back to 2007, when the Municipality adopted its urban plan. At that time, nearly 45 lots for single-family detached residences were to be developed in the woodland.

In 2016, the Municipality had commissioned the firm WSP to carry out a natural environment conservation plan. According to the report, the woodland is of very high ecological value and is made up of several wetlands.  Among other things, it is home to 13 plant species of precarious status, and provides habitat for anurans, salamanders, garter snakes, as well as various birds and mammals.

The following year, the municipality introduced an interim control by-law temporarily prohibiting subdivision and construction in order to protect the woodland.

Since 2020, a group of Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac citizens has been campaigning to save this woodland, for which the construction of a housing project was planned.

In 2021, the current administration commissioned the firm Jean-François L. Vachon to assist with land appraisals, landowner negotiations and subsidy applications.

On July 13, 2022, the company that owned the land, Planimax D.S.F., filed an application for judicial review in nullity and unenforceability against the CMM, implicating the municipality.

It wasn't until early 2023 that the Municipality and Planimac D.S.F. inc. reached an agreement to suspend proceedings.

Finally, in January 2024, Planimax D.S.F. inc. submitted an offer to the Municipality for the acquisition of 11.3 hectares of the lot, representing over 55% of the total woodlot area. An agreement in principle between the two parties was reached last June.

The municipal council will table its draft borrowing by-law at the next meeting, scheduled for October 2. A register will be opened to allow those opposed to the draft by-law to express their views. 



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