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Geneviève Robillard has been in remission for 34 years

Shaved head challenge for a Lazaroise this Saturday at 1 p.m.

durée 23h59
27 septembre 2024






Ginette  Brisebois
Par Ginette Brisebois

This year marks the 34th year of leukemia remission for Saint-Lazare's Geneviève Robillard. On September 28, from 1 to 3 p.m., she'll be taking part in the Shaved Head Challenge. Come and cheer her on and/or take part. The event takes place in the parking lot of Chez Maurice bar. A hairdresser will be on hand for those who decide at the last minute.

Geneviève suffered from leukemia in 1988, at the age of 14, and received chemotherapy treatments every week for two years. She is now in remission.

Back then, 40% of patients treated for this cancer survived; today, thanks in part to research and Leucan, 82% of patients are able to achieve remission,” recalls Geneviève. Hence the importance of a Shaved Head Challenge.

To underline the joy of being among her loved ones, and to thank all those who supported her during her 2 years of chemotherapy: family, doctors, nurses, friends, teachers and all those who were by her side, Geneviève decided to have her hair shaved this year, as a gesture of gratitude.

Her goal is to raise $1,000, and she's already more than halfway there. If she raises more, it will mean more for Leucan.

In fact, all donations will go to Leucan, an organization that provides essential services to children and their families, and whose one of the main objective is clinical research.

Chez Maurice is located at 1897 Chemin Sainte-Angélique in Saint-Lazare. Geneviève's son will be on hand to collect donations this Saturday.

Donations on site (cash, cheque, QR code) or right now via Geneviève Robillard's Facebook page or via her Leucan page at can be done. And, as Geneviève points out: “Donations can be made to Leucan for another three months".

In the name of all sick and cured children, Geneviève sends her heartfelt thanks.

Part of the history of Leucan and the Shaved Head Challenge

Founded in 1978, Leucan is an association born of the meeting of parents of children with cancer and healthcare professionals with the desire to increase the recovery rate and well-being of children with cancer. 

This year, Leucan celebrated 46 years of accompanying, supporting and comforting children with cancer and their families.

Leucan fights pediatric cancer and invests in clinical research, offering services and activities to break the isolation that the disease engenders. In addition, the organization provides psychological and financial support so that families can focus their energies on their children's quality of life.

The very first Leucan Shaved Head Challenge was organized in 2001 by Leucan volunteer Serge Tremblay. Deeply moved by the magnitude of the challenge facing children with cancer, Mr. Tremblay brought together 65 people and raised $10,500.

In 2020, the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge celebrated its 20th anniversary. Nearly 100,000 people had taken part in the Challenge in 20 years, and more than $63 million had been raised.





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