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On this Thursday, September 19

Cannabis eradication operations in Vaudreuil-Soulanges

durée 17h00
19 septembre 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

Voir la galerie de photos

Montée Saint-Robert in Saint-Lazare and a number of other locations in Vaudreuil-Soulanges were the scene of an operation to eradicate illicit cannabis on Thursday, September 19. Officers from the Sûreté du Québec and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are taking part in this joint operation. 

In the end, no cannabis plants were seized by the authorities during this joint operation.  

On site, Néomédia spoke with RCMP Montréal spokesperson Corporal Danny Paradis to learn more about the exercise. “We're out in the field today as part of the CISEAUX accès cannabis project, which began in 2021 in collaboration with the Sûreté du Québec. This is an annual initiative aimed at the outdoor eradication of illicit cannabis in Quebec and the region. We're joining forces with the SQ to eradicate, detect and make arrests as a result of these field operations, notably by making our helicopter available to the operation,” he sums up. 

In all, some ten police resources are on the ground to take part in this operation. The sites to be visited have already been predefined through aerial inspections. “Checks have been carried out to ensure that the plantations visited today do not hold certification issued by Health Canada for the cultivation of cannabis for medical purposes. The plantations targeted in this operation are for personal use and are therefore clandestine crops.” 

What steps were taken before today's event? “First there was the stage of gathering information about the crops. Then came verification and investigation, a stage in which detection operations were also carried out. The final stage is eradication, as is the case today. Depending on the time of year and the information gathered, we carry out around fifteen operations like today's every year.”

During field operations like this one, the teams always keep the prevention aspect in mind. “We want to remind people that illicit plantations and crops are still illegal in terms of the Cannabis Act.”

The helicopter, a useful resource for this operation 

During cannabis eradication operations, the presence of a helicopter is always very useful. What is the helicopter's role? 

Firstly, it is used to detect illegal plantations from the air. It's a very effective technique. Secondly, during plant eradication operations, the helicopter can guide ground resources and ensure their safety.For example, it's possible to spot approaching threats.Thirdly, the helicopter is technically useful if the plantations are very dense.Plants can be filled and moved by placing them in nets under the device. It's a great way to save time and human resources on hot, humid days,” concludes Corporal Paradis. 

Several partners 

To carry out an eradication operation on this scale, police forces can count on the support of several partners.“Throughout the project, we have the cooperation of the Union des producteurs agricoles, agricultural producers and the public, especially in terms of reporting. Today's operation follows an aerial detection operation carried out over the past few days.This was the result of a citizen tip-off”, concludes Isabelle Proulx, lieutenant in charge of the Contraband Investigation Service and responsible for the Cannabis project at the SQ. 




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