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Visits to all affected buildings and support for citizens

Storm Debby: The Town of Pincourt meets with flood victims

durée 17h12
13 septembre 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

Systematic visits to homes and dwellings affected by Storm Debby in Pincourt continue weekdays, Tuesday through Thursday, from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. The purpose of these visits is to offer comfort and emotional support to disaster victims, and to identify situations requiring psychosocial support or specific intervention. It is important to note that these visits do not represent inspections, but rather an opportunity for the workers to meet and inform the victims.

Since these visits began on August 29, a number of urgent cases have been identified. These represent a health hazard, according to public health recommendations. In response, a multidisciplinary intervention protocol has been planned and put in place, with implementation scheduled for September 12.

“In light of the recommendations issued by the public health department, we want to make sure that for each flooded building, emergency work has been carried out to prevent fungal contamination and its consequences on people's health. We also want to make sure that those affected can benefit from the necessary emotional support, and if required, psychosocial support”, explains Éric Martel, Assistant Coordinator of Civil Security for the Town of Pincourt.

For these visits, the Town of Pincourt called on volunteers from the Salvation Army and Ambulance St-Jean. 

“Although it remains little known among local and regional municipalities, there are volunteer organizations in Quebec that are very active in civil protection. In the case of Pincourt, these two organizations are the subject of tacit agreements, which should be formalized in November. They offer various services in support of different municipal missions, and as part of the post-Debby recovery, we have opted for the “Duo-canins” of St. John Ambulance (ASJ) and the “Spiritual and Emotional Support” of the Salvation Army (ADS). By combining these skills and expertise with those of the city's emergency responders, we are able to assess the full impact of the disaster, take note of the other needs of the victims and, last but not least, offer a listening ear and comfort. It's a proactive, multi-disciplinary, cross-sector approach that has proved its worth in a number of disasters,” continues Mr. Martel.

Over 300 homes affected

The data collected by the city suggests that over 300 homes were flooded. However, visits by responders and patrols suggest that this number could be revised upwards if we consider buildings affected but not flooded. 

“Too often, post-disaster recovery measures are limited to the compensation/financial assistance process implemented by insurers or the government. In reality, recovery is the most complex of the four dimensions of civil protection (prevention, preparedness, response and recovery), but also the most overlooked, because there is no single way of proceeding. In order to determine precisely what short-, medium- and long-term recovery measures are needed, we have to meet the disaster victims,” adds Martel.

The city would like to reiterate that it is imperative that any equipment or materials soiled by flooding be removed and discarded, and that floor and wall surfaces be dried and decontaminated with fungicide, not bleach.

“Protecting the health of disaster victims, especially the most vulnerable members of our community, remains our top priority! In this sense, the city will continue to assist the population during this difficult period,” declared Mayor Claude Comeau. 



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