Neomedia in-house survey
Do you anticipate federal elections this fall?
Earlier this week, the leader of Canada's New Democratic Party (NDP), Jagmeet Singh, decided to end the honeymoon between his political party and that of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. After two and a half years, he has torn up the agreement that bound the two political parties together, thereby ensuring political stability.
This move, which won't necessarily lead to an election in the short term, inspired Neomedia's poll question of the week: Are you anticipating a federal election this fall?
For those uninitiated in the workings of federal politics, the breakdown of this agreement means that Justin Trudeau's government must now operate under the normal rules of a minority parliament. This means it will have to seek the support of another political party to pass its bills.
Will this NDP strategy open the door to a federal election this fall? Here are the choices offered to respondents to the weekly survey:
- Yes, because the NDP has torn up its agreement with the Liberals;
- Yes, but I hope the election won't be called just yet;
Yes, I'm sure the election campaign will be held by December;
No, I'm convinced it won't happen before 2025.
What do you think? Take the survey by clicking on this link.
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