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Wheelchair basketball

Paralympic Games: Rosalie Lalonde and her teammates move on to the semi-finals

durée 09h00
6 septembre 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

The Canadian women's wheelchair basketball team secured a place in the semi-finals of the Paris Paralympic Games, following a 71-53 victory over Germany. A first since the 2004 Paralympic Games in Athens, where the national team won the bronze medal. 

Team Canada succeeded on 47 per cent of its shots in Wednesday's victory, while limiting Germany to 24 of their 62 shots. Saint-Clet native Rosalie Lalonde contributed to her team's victory with six points, two assists and three rebounds, as well as a steal.

Interviewed by journalists after the game, Rosalie Lalonde was quick to point out that the curse was finally a thing of the past. 

“We've been trying to get through the quarter-finals for so long. This is a great moment for us! We've been desperate for this win, and it feels really good,” she told Sportcom.

Rosalie Lalonde and her team-mates will face the Netherlands in the semi-finals this Friday.

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