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They'll change address without having to move

durée 15h00
26 juillet 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

More than twenty residences on rue de Léry in Pointe-des-Cascades will see their civic address change on September 18.

In a letter sent to the owners concerned and copied to Néomédia, the company explains this unusual change, to say the least, by the upcoming construction of two housing units at the intersection of rue de Léry and rue de Soulanges (route 338). In all, 25 houses are affected.

“Since the first address on rue de Léry is 4, and addresses have to be assigned to the two new constructions, it was absolutely necessary to change the addresses of the houses already established,” explains the Municipality's urban planner, Alexandre Primeau. 

On social networks, several citizens affected by the address change criticized not only the change, but also the assignment of the new civic addresses. For example, 4, rue de Léry will become 78. 6 will become 96. 

Mr. Primeau assures us that he worked in conjunction with the Service de sécurité incendie and Canada Post to set up the new civic number designation system.

“The new addresses were determined in accordance with our building numbering by-law, which was adopted last year. The assignment of civic numbers was based on the location and distance of the building from the street. So, if a house is 180 metres from the corner, its address will be 180. By operating in this way, we ensure the permanence of addresses over time. If one day someone wants to demolish and rebuild, their address won't change,” adds Mr. Primeau.

Compensation for residents

In the letter sent to residents, the municipality explains that the cost of changing address will be borne by property owners. However, compensation of $50 will be offered. This can be applied in the form of a credit on property taxes or by cheque. 

“The letter also states: “In addition, mail forwarding resulting from a civic address change initiated by the City is free for a period of twelve months from the date of the official change. The change will become official on September 18.“

“We have already notified certain services, including Bell, Videotron, emergency services and assessment services of the upcoming changes,” concludes the urban planner.





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