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Gymini: Where passions are born

durée 07h00
25 juillet 2024







Does your child have excess energy? Would you like him to socialize while doing a fun sports activity? Club de gymnastique Gymini can help. 

Gymini creates a unique sports environment that promotes fun, excellence and pride, thanks to human supervision, a wide range of activities, state-of-the-art equipment and safe facilities.

The integration of movement from early childhood is essential. It helps children develop what experts call physical literacy. Gymini designs its sports programs with this approach in mind. What's more, physical literacy is at the very heart of Gymini's values.

According to the International Physical Literacy Association, physical literacy is defined as “the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding a person possesses that enable them to value and take ownership of their lifelong commitment to physical activity”.

The experts are unequivocal: to be active for life, children need to develop physical literacy at an early age.

By joining the Gymini family, children develop more than just their physical skills. They learn self-confidence, motivation, commitment and, above all, the joy of movement.

One club, 7 sports

Recreational programs bring together all those who wish to push their own limits through the practice of acrobatic sports. Classes are aimed at children aged one and over, but a program adapted to teenagers and adults is also available. 

The Club offers 7 acrobatic sports, including :

Motor development (1 to 4 years);
Artistic gymnastics (ages 5 and up);
Acrobatic gymnastics (ages 5 and up);
Cheerleading (ages 5 and up);
Parkour (ages 6 and up);
Tumbling and trampoline (ages 6 and up).
For kids who want to take their passion to the next level, Gymini also offers competitive artistic gymnastics and cheerleading.

The competitive and pre-competitive programs comprise several groups and teams at different levels. The number of training hours varies with each level. Depending on the athlete's progress, he or she will be invited to move through the different categories, from regional to provincial and national levels. In certain cases, it is possible to combine sport and studies, thanks to our Concentration sport and Sport-Études offers.

A place for everyone

Club Gymini also offers a recreational support program for children aged 4 to 14 with physical, intellectual, autism spectrum, language, behavioural or other disabilities. 

The goal of the Kaméléon program is to enable children to experience a neurotypical group accompanied by a resource trained by psycho-education specialists. 

The program enables children to develop their motor skills through a variety of gymnastics and acrobatic sports. Children will experiment with a variety of movement families, including displacements, rotations, stationary positions, receptions and impulses, all adapted to their individual abilities. 

To find out more about the different courses offered by Club de gymnastique Gymini, visit: 



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