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The "Pluralité" project of "Je suis Mosaïk"

Artistic embellishment of electrical boxes in Vaudreuil-Dorion parks

durée 09h06
24 juillet 2024






Ginette  Brisebois
Par Ginette Brisebois

Have you noticed the new works of art that have been popping up in some of the area's parks and green spaces? Twelve artists from Vaudreuil-Dorion and students from the arts-study program at ESCJ (École secondaire de la Cité-des-Jeunes) have combined their talents over the past few weeks to improve the visual appearance of electrical boxes in public places!

Now that the final strokes of paint have been applied, the public is invited to go and contemplate the works of the Pluralité project, which will be presented individually on the Je suis Mozaïk page. Stay tuned!

Participating artists :

- Roxane Bilodeau (Parc des Narcisses)

- Lucie Bisson (Place du Marquis)

- Monica Brinkman, mosaic artist (Place du Marquis)

- Philippe Corriveau (Parc Paul-Gérin-Lajoie)

- Isabelle Deprez (Parc de Dorion-Gardens)

- Raquel Maciel (Parc Lorne-Worsley)

- Ginette Malouin (Parc Bel-Air )

- John McRae (Parc de Sainte-Trinité)

- Nathalie Plouffe (Parc des Tilleuls)

- Deirdre Potash (Parc Jean-Jacques-Bertrand)

- Véronic Sévigny, artist (Parc de Champagne)

- Students in the ESCJ Arts-Studies program at École secondaire de la Cité-des-Jeunes (Cité-des-Jeunes campus)

To find out more about the works, visit



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