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In 2022

Three municipalities meet their drinking water consumption targets

durée 17h00
23 juillet 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

According to the latest data updated on July 9 by the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation (MAMH), only Terrasse-Vaudreuil, Vaudreuil-Dorion and Saint-Clet met the drinking water consumption target set by the MAMH for 2022.

Respectively, the three municipalities recorded residential consumption averages of 160, 199 and 158 liters, per person, per day (L/pers/d), while their target was less than 200 L/pers/d. 

According to the data, Ville de Rigaud ranks first among Vaudreuil-Soulanges towns with the highest residential consumption of drinking water, with 353 L/pers/d in 2022. What's more, while the majority of municipalities recorded a decrease in consumption compared to 2021, Rigaud saw an increase from 275 L/pers/d in 2021, to 353 L/pers/d. 

By e-mail, however, the City of Rigaud was keen to point out that the data in the 2022 report includes both industries, businesses and institutions (ICI) in addition to residential, since the City did not read the meters installed on ICI this year.

Pointe-des-Cascades and Notre-Dame-de-l'Île-Perrot also recorded increases in residential drinking water consumption in 2022, compared with 2021, rising from 220 L/pers/d to 253 for the former and from 222 L/pers/d to 279 for the latter.

It should be remembered that the volume of water consumed per person per day in the residential sector is greater in Quebec than in Ontario (184 L/pers./d) and Canada as a whole (220 L/pers./d). According to the latest data, in 2022, Quebec residential consumption will reach 253 L/person/day.

Water in Vaudreuil-Soulanges

Groundwater accounts for nearly a third of the world's freshwater, supplying nearly 90% of the province's inhabited territory, 25% of the population and often the sole source of water.

In Vaudreuil-Soulanges, groundwater supplies 71% of the territory and represents 54% of the water consumed in the region, according to the study area. Of this, 56% is for residential use, 33% for industrial/commercial/institutional use and 11% for agricultural use.

Groundwater is sustainable when the ratio between water use and recharge does not exceed 10%. In Vaudreuil-Soulanges, the volume of groundwater used is 
used reaches 3 times the recommended limit, i.e. 29% of recharge.

Towns closest to or having reached their target 

Terrasse-Vaudreuil (Population in 2022: 2004)

- Residential consumption: 160 L/pers/d

- MAMH target: less than 220 L/pers/d

- Quantity of water distributed: 264 L/pers/d

Vaudreuil-Dorion (Population in 2022: 42,358)

- Residential consumption: 199 L/pers/d

- MAMH target: less than 220 L/pers/d

- Quantity of water distributed: 403 L/pers/d

Saint-Clet (Population in 2022: 1962)

- Residential consumption: 158 L/pers/d

- MAMH target: less than 220 L/pers/d

- Quantity of water distributed: 327 L/pers/d

Saint-Lazare (2022 population: 23,024)

- Residential consumption: 193 L/pers/d

- MAMH target: less than 184 L/pers/d

- Quantity of water distributed: 290 L/pers/d

Coteau-du-Lac (2022 population: 7,817)

- Residential consumption: 246 L/pers/d

- MAMH target: less than 184 L/pers/d

- Quantity of water distributed: 307 L/pers/d

Source: Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing



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