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Coteau-du-Lac: Risk of wastewater being discharged into the river?

durée 13h00
13 juillet 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

Aging infrastructure could cause sewage to spill directly into the St. Lawrence River at Coteau-du-Lac. At least, that's what worries municipal councillor Alain Laprade and the city's general manager, Jacques Legault.

Invited to speak at the end of the meeting on July 9, District 1 Councillor Alain Laprade raised a number of concerns about the state of the various pumping stations and the water filtration plant on municipal territory, which, according to Mr. Laprade, could force wastewater into the St. Lawrence River.

"If the plant were to fail before it was repaired, the sewage would be sent directly into the lake. This is unacceptable. I'd like to see accelerated investment programs in our infrastructure, such as pumping stations, which are sorely in need of repair," he said.

The dilapidated state of the facilities, particularly the pumping station on rue Blanchard, was confirmed by the city's general manager, Jacques Legault.

"The main station on rue Blanchard is getting very old. It's damaged and the equipment is nearing the end of its life. There are even some pipes that, in my opinion, will have to be repaired before the spring of 2025. We won't be able to make it to next year, it's practically impossible," said the General Manager.

According to estimates presented by Mr. Legault at the July 9 council meeting, the bill for the rehabilitation project at the Blanchard and Soulangeois pumping stations, including repairs to the force main running up to the industrial park, would amount to more than $8 million.

According to the General Manager, the work could only start in spring, or even summer 2025. "We still have to meet with the Engineering Department to see what we want to include in the project. Then we'll launch the plans and specifications, call for tenders and carry out the project. In my opinion, we won't be able to start before spring or summer 2025," he added.

In 2023, the Board awarded Bruser Inc. the contract for professional engineering services for the preparation of plans and specifications and supervision of work to upgrade the Blanchard and Soulangeois pumping stations, in the amount of $327,851.22.

A contract was also awarded to FD Expert-Conseil inc. for the sum of $7,874.06 in October 2023. The company was mandated to provide technical assistance during the preparation of plans and specifications, and to supervise the work.

"Finally, we're stretching the elastic to the point where we risk ruptures that will cause spills into the lake... It's vital to invest in our infrastructure. In past years, very little was invested in infrastructure, and we're paying the price today. We can't afford for the stations to fail... We know that Coteau-du-Lac has discharged its wastewater into the river in the past. It may not have been large quantities, but it was still done, and that's unacceptable," added Councillor Laprade.

In addition to the 14 or so pumping stations on the Coteau-du-Lac territory, the wastewater treatment plant will require a great deal of work over the next few years.

A borrowing by-law of $1,906,000 has been authorized to cover the costs of professional services for the preparation of plans and specifications and the supervision of work to increase the plant's capacity.

Although the costs will be shared with the Municipalité des Coteaux, according to Jacques Legault, the portion to be paid by Coteau-du-Lac could certainly exceed $10 million.

"We have to put the necessary sums into the pumping stations. If we have to make budget cuts, it shouldn't be in our infrastructure," concluded Councillor Alain Laprade.






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