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ICI on recycle certification + "Performance" level

Vaudreuil-Soulanges MRC recognized for its environmental proactivity

durée 12h30
11 juillet 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

The MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges is proud to announce that it was awarded ICI on recycle + "Performance" certification on June 12! The achievement of this level is the fruit of efforts made by MRC employees to reduce their environmental impact in the workplace.

This certification, awarded by RECYC-QUÉBEC, recognizes the efforts of industries, businesses and institutions (ICI) that manage their residual materials responsibly by implementing measures for reduction at source, reuse, recycling and recovery. The MRC's Green Committee is continuing its efforts to implement other measures to achieve the higher levels of this certification, namely "Performance +" and "Elite".

"As an organization that actively works for the environment, obtaining Performance certification under the ICI on recycle + program gives even more weight and credibility to our message. I'd like to highlight the commitment of MRC employees who are involved on a daily basis in reducing our ecological footprint, a fine example for our institutions, businesses, industries and municipalities to follow," said Patrick Bousez, MRC Prefect and Mayor of Rivière-Beaudette.

ICI on recycle + certification recognizes the proactivity of organizations, whether public or private, regardless of size or sector of activity, in managing residual materials.

There are four levels of certification, valid for three years.  

BV: The MRC Green Committee, made up of the following members: Luc Boyer, Director of Territorial Development and Industrial Commissioner (DEV), Catherine St-Amour, Communications Advisor (MRC), Natacha Gauthier, Environmental Development Officer (MRC), Hélène Thibault, Document Management Technician (CMR), Claudie Gaudreau, Assistant Clerk (CMR), Sandra Lafontaine, Watercourse Intervention Officer (MRC) and Réjean Guay, Director of Fire Safety, Civil Security, Environment and Infrastructure. 



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