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The 20-year-old is studying at an English-speaking university

Gabrielle Larouche: an art enthusiast not afraid to step outside her comfort zone

durée 08h30
11 juillet 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

It was at elementary school that Notre-Dame-de-l'Île-Perrot artist Gabrielle Larouche discovered her artistic potential. In 2024, at the age of 20, the Vaudreuil-Soulanges native took part in the traveling exhibition Contamination culturelle. Néomédia spoke to this lover of the arts...and of challenges. 

She's not afraid to step out of her comfort zone. The proof? After completing primary and secondary school in her mother tongue, French, she decided to study art at Concordia University, an English-language school in Montreal. 

"I'm currently on vacation, but I'll be resuming my studies this fall. In recent weeks, I completed my first year as a student in the Bachelor of Visual Arts program, majoring in painting and drawing. For the summer season, I'm working at the Musée des métiers d'arts du Québec, organizing art workshops with families. Art has always been part of my life. I started at Chêne-Bleu high school in Pincourt in Arts-Études and then in Visual Arts at Cégep du Vieux-Montréal. After that, I wanted to improve my English, and at the same time get out of my comfort zone. That's why I opted for Concordia University for the rest of my academic career," she confides from the outset.  

Inspired by her region 

Despite her daily commute to the metropolis for her studies, Gabrielle Larouche remains deeply attached to her hometown and region. In fact, it's a haven of peace that inspired her work for Contamination culturelle. 

"The theme of the 2024 edition is Les couleurs de Vaudreuil-Soulanges. I really wanted to depict a place that means something to me. There are a lot of places in the region where I feel good and that inspire me. I chose Le Quai Brideloup, a peaceful place that I often visit on foot or by bike because of its proximity to my home. I wanted people who see the exhibition to discover it." 

A crush on the Contamination culturelle project 

Despite her young age, Gabrielle Larouche has already taken part in a few art exhibitions in the past. 

How did she discover Contamination culturelle? "I saw the call for projects issued by the Conseil des arts et de la culture de Vaudreuil-Soulanges (CACVS) on social networks. What appealed to me was the fact that the exhibition was moving around the region, and that it was collaborative in the sense that a total of ten artists were taking part. You can see what the theme has inspired in the others. It's very interesting. I've discovered artists I didn't know, and I hope people who see it will too." 

The canvas she created for this touring initiative is 12X12 in size and required some fifteen hours' work over several days. "It's an oil canvas which is different from acrylic, a medium I've painted with a lot in the past. I explored oil during my last semester at university and wanted to do some tests. You have to be patient when using this medium, as it takes longer to dry and you have to be aware that the top layer will bind to the layer underneath, which can change the texture and appearance of the canvas." 

What advice would she give to someone wanting to get into the arts? "You have to stop thinking that art doesn't make you money. There are all kinds of ways to succeed with art: the entertainment world, museums, teaching, advertising, committees or even for pleasure. Art is everywhere, so there's always a way to get started without falling into a void. If you really want to, you can find a way to bring your art to people," she concludes wisely. 






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