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Fundraising: cocktail dinner at Pointe-du-Moulin on August 2

durée 13h30
11 juillet 2024






Ginette  Brisebois
Par Ginette Brisebois

On August 2, the Parc historique de la Pointe-du-Moulin is organizing a 6 to 8 cocktail dinner as part of a major fund-raising campaign to support activities at the Parc historique de la Pointe-du-Moulin.

Dignitaries will be welcomed by the animation team at 6 p.m. in front of the multifunctional pavilion, where they will be treated to a variety of appetizers served by Pincourt caterer Création Passion. Between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., guests will be able to share their thoughts and discover local products, as well as take part in the silent auction, where a host of prizes will help the non-profit organization reach its goal.

Starting at 8 p.m., dignitaries are invited to stay for the Lantern Storytelling Vigil. Four storytellers illuminated by hundreds of lanterns will be scattered across the park, taking turns welcoming groups of participants. The event ends at 9 p.m. During the evening of storytelling, the animation team will be on the move to collect voluntary contributions.


Go to (then select "Campagne de financement - Cocktail dînatoire" in the program), and reserve your tickets by supporting a local non-profit organization.

The Société de développement du Parc historique de la Pointe-du-Moulin was created in 2008 to bring life to the emblematic heritage site on Île Perrot. Its mission is to promote learning about the history of the Île Perrot seigneury in the days of Nouvelle-France, while entertaining its visitors.



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