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Club photo Vaudreuil-Dorion exhibits at Le 405 park

durée 05h00
10 juillet 2024






Ginette  Brisebois
Par Ginette Brisebois

The Club photo Vaudreuil-Dorion has been exhibiting 42 new photos at Le 405 park for the past few weeks, at the invitation of the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion, says Club president Caroline Laurin. Under the theme The beauty that surrounds us, the 405 is embellished by these photos by seasoned photographers from our region. The exhibition is already up and running, but an official unveiling will take place on July 17 at 6 pm. The works will remain at the 405 for several months.

Ms. Laurin adds: "This year is our fourth exhibition at the 405, we were there for the summers of 2019, 2021, 2022 and now 2024". The exhibition is located on one of the 3 art circuits of the Réseau Mozaïk. The exceptional showcase that is Park 405 offers club members the opportunity to realize one of the great pleasures of photographers, that of sharing their passion and therefore their photos with park visitors. This year, exhibiting photographers present one or more photos, according to their creativity and inspiration. 

The Vaudreuil-Dorion Photo Club is very active. Members meet twice a month at the Opti-centre St-Jean-Baptiste in Vaudreuil-Dorion, with one meeting organized with a speaker and the other scheduled for exchanges between members, 45-minute capsules on information to be passed on, and so on. Workshops and outings are also offered on a monthly basis.

Ms. Laurin reminds those interested that a large backlit cube containing 16 photos of the Club photo is permanently installed in front of the Maison Félix-Leclerc in Vaudreuil-Dorion.

In upcoming activities, the Club photo Vaudreuil-Dorion will also be exhibiting at the Vaudreuil-Dorion Library from November to January. Dates to be confirmed.

Here is the list of photographers exhibiting at 405: Sylvie Baillargeon, Éric Brisson, Yves Carrier, Lyne Deschamps, Liette Desfossés, Carl Dumouchel, Linda Dupuis, Nathalie Dupuis, Caroline Forget, Nicole Gerin-Meloche, Michel Hudon, Pierre Labrèche, Isabelle Langlois, Caroline Laurin, Carolle Marchand, Lucie Marier, Hélène Morrison, Anne Prescott, ClaudiaRomero-Dneprovski, Pierre Sauvé, Pierre St-Onge, Ghislaine Véronneau.

Also read:

Until August 8: Club photo Vaudreuil-Dorion exhibits its best photos




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