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Joint investment by the federal government and the Town

An investment of $3.4M for the redevelopment of Lakeview Street in Hudson

durée 14h30
9 juillet 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

Residents of the Town of Hudson will soon have access to a new multi-functional path for getting around on foot or by bike, thanks to a joint investment of $3.4 million by the federal government and the Town of Hudson to redevelop Lakeview Street and Selkirk Street.

The news was announced by MP Peter Schiefke and Mayor Chloe Hutchison at a press conference held on the lawn of Hudson Town Hall at noon on Tuesday, July 9. 

The federal government is investing $2,040,000 in this project under the Active Transportation Fund (ATF), with the Town of Hudson contributing $1,360,000.

This project will benefit the community by encouraging active travel for all, including seniors, students and young families. "We are awaiting the certificate of authorization from the Ministry of the Environment before starting work. According to the most optimistic scenario, work could start as early as this autumn if this document arrives quickly. Otherwise, we're aiming to issue a call for tenders in the next few months and start work next spring," sums up the mayor. 

Specifically, the announced project involves the construction of a new 1.2-kilometre multi-purpose path along Lakeview Street to create a safe corridor for pedestrian and cyclist traffic in this residential area.

Part of the multi-functional path will also be installed along Selkirk Street, allowing pedestrians and cyclists to cross from Lakeview Street into the village via an intersection with a crosswalk leading to the nearby municipal park.The installation of several traffic calming measures to reduce vehicle speeds and promote safety in this residential area is also planned.

Once completed, this project will encourage active transportation within the community, while providing seniors and young people with a safe, multifunctional trail to get out and about. "A large part of our quality of life in Hudson and the greater Vaudreuil-Soulanges community stems from our access to the incredible environment that surrounds us and the active lifestyle we enjoy every day. The creation of the new multipurpose trail we're announcing today in Hudson will give children, parents and seniors who enjoy an active lifestyle, whether walking or cycling in Hudson and the surrounding area, more, greener and safer options to do so," says Peter Schiefke, Member of Parliament for Vaudreuil-Soulanges, on behalf of the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities.

In the presence of three city councillors and a number of city employees, the mayor admitted that this news was good news for the citizens of the Lakeview district. "Lakeview Street has long been a major transit route for Hudson residents who travel on foot, by bike, with their children or simply walking their dogs.Over the years, the deterioration of the narrow roadway has become an obstacle to the safety of pedestrians and cyclists. The addition of a multi-use path and improved drainage will ensure a clear separation between cars and slower traffic, providing greater comfort and safety for people of all ages who want to walk and stay active throughout the seasons."

In closing, we would like to point out that two other similar announcements are scheduled for August in Vaudreuil-Soulanges.



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