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A new Director of Studies at John Abbott College this fall

durée 15h30
2 juillet 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

The Board of Directors of John Abbott College is pleased to announce the appointment of Charbel Mourad to the position of Director of Studies, effective this fall. 

Mourad brings 17 years of diverse educational experience to John Abbott College. Most recently, as Director of Continuing Education at Cégep de Lanaudière, he led a team dedicated to lifelong learning and student success. As part of the Provincial Organization of Continuing Education Directors, English (PROCEDE), he developed a collaborative model to expand access to English-language training. During his career, he has worked for the Ministry of Education and was an educational consultant at Cégep Heritage College. Charbel holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Concordia University and is pursuing a doctorate at the Université de Sherbrooke.

Mourad will replace former Director of Studies, Teresa Berghello, who will move into the position of General Manager, succeeding Mr. John Halpin, who is retiring after a decade of outstanding service.

 "We are confident that the combined leadership of Charbel Mourad as Director of Studies and Teresa Berghello as Executive Director will propel John Abbott College to new heights of academic excellence and innovation," concluded the press release.  



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