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He took part in the Canadian Championships and will be at the World Championships in August

A busy summer for Vaudreuil-Dorion cyclist Jonathan Hinse

durée 08h30
2 juillet 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

Like 21-year-old Vaudreuil-Dorion resident Clovis Roy, 18-year-old Jonathan Hinse was in Beauce from June 21 to 24 to take part in the Canadian Road Cycling Championships. Despite his young age, this was Hinse's second appearance at this major national competition. 

It was in the U19 category that the young man earned his place on the starting line. How would you sum up his time in the Chaudière-Appalaches administrative region? 

 "It was a difficult race for my running profile, as there were a lot of hills on the course. It was my first race of the year, as I'd crashed in a previous race and didn't finish. Last year, I was among the favourites at the start, but that wasn't the case this year. It was harder. I finished around 44th. It rained a lot too, which influenced my performance, as well as that of all the athletes taking part," says the cyclist from the outset. 

You take the bends and curves more slowly to avoid slipping or falling heavily. Everything slows down. Grip isn't the same on wet or dry roads. You don't go down as fast, so you're more careful," he explains. 

This wasn't the athlete's very first visit to Beauce, where he had ridden in the past, but he had never ridden the race course before. To prepare for the Canadian Championship, Jonathan spent a week training intensively, eating well and sleeping well.  

Cycling: a passion since adolescence 

Jonathan's first contact with cycling came at the age of 12, when he was in a triathlon concentration class. Not a big fan of running, but having a lot of fun on his bike, he decided to join a cycling club at the Centre Multisports de Vaudreuil-Dorion. That's when he started competing. 

What does he prefer in this discipline? "Competitions and the adrenalin rush they bring. I also like the fact that I can travel thanks to my sport, and that I can live unique life experiences by practicing it," confides the man who is studying human sciences at the Cégep de Granby. 

Although he dreams of taking part in the Tour de France and even the Olympic Games one day, Jonathan hasn't yet decided what his future holds. 

What advice would he give to a young person who would like to follow in his footsteps? "To be serious about training and competing, but also to have fun." 

A busy summer 

While for many, summer is synonymous with relaxation and vacations, this will not be the case for Jonathan. On July 15, he will start the Tour de l'Abitibi, where he hopes to win a stage and even top the overall standings. 

Then, in mid-August, the young man will head to China to take part in the Track Cycling World Championships. "Unlike road racing, track cycling is more intense and faster. The competitions are held indoors on a 250-meter track, and our bike has no gears and no brakes. You have to set the speed manually before the race, and you can't change it once you've started. A maximum of 24 riders start, and the longest race consists of 120 laps of the track. Road races require more endurance, as they can include climbs and last for several hours", he explains. 

To prepare for this international competition, Jonathan will be taking part in a training camp with the Canadian team. "I've already competed indoors on this type of bike and track. My results were good, so I'm not too worried about my performance," he concludes, happy and aware of his good fortune. 



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