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Is the rising cost of living affecting your vacation plans?

durée 07h00
26 juin 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

Over the past few years, the cost of living has risen significantly, and is felt in many spheres of society: at the grocery store, in restaurants, at the gas pump, on the cost of the mortgage and other essential expenses. As summer vacation approaches, Néomédia asks you this week's poll question: is the rising cost of living influencing your vacation plans?

In recent months, the cost of groceries has soared, forcing many people to turn to food banks to make ends meet.

Others have had to tighten their belts even further to meet their financial commitments, which has had an impact on their family finances. Some may have had to rethink their vacation plans this year, and invest the money elsewhere: in urgent work, essential expenses, unforeseen expenses and so on.

For this week's poll question, Neomedia asks: is the rising cost of living affecting your vacation plans?

The answer choices are as follows:

- Absolutely, we've had to change our plans;

- Yes, but we'll still go out of town;

- Yes, but we'll be going for less time;

- Yes, we'll stay mostly at home, but we'll go out a few times;

- No, we won't.

To answer these questions, click on this link.




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