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Gala Nomina

The Franco-fun camp receives the Coup de cœur prize

durée 10h30
19 juin 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion announces that the Franco-fun camp won the jury’s favorite prize at the Nomina gala, which took place on June 13 in La Prairie. This gala celebrates excellence and innovation in the field of leisure and sport in Montérégie.

Finalist in the Camps category, the Franco-fun camp was able to seduce the members of the jury, who instead awarded it the Coup de cœur prize, among the 25 projects from municipalities and organizations nominated in all categories.

Offered for the first time in 2022, Camp Franco-fun is a day camp program intended for allophone children in Vaudreuil-Dorion to allow them to continue developing French skills during the summer period, through a day camp specially dedicated to them. It is intended to be a tool for social and linguistic integration through leisure.

“We are very proud of the award received for the Franco-fun camp, an innovative project that transforms the summer of allophone children in Vaudreuil-Dorion into a unique learning and cultural integration experience. This program not only strengthens their French skills, it creates strong ties within our community, facilitating access to local resources and promoting the roots of immigrant families. This award is great recognition, because the team continually tries to develop new offers adapted to the needs of citizens,” declared Vincent Bastien, director of the Recreation and Culture Department of the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion.

This program is the result of collaborative work between the City, the Animation Jeunesse organization and the Trois-Lacs School Service Center. Two other partners joined the project in 2024, namely Réseaux and the Fondation des enfants de Vaudreuil-Soulanges. This summer, 50 children aged between 5 and 12 will benefit from this service for a period of two weeks.

“The Franco-fun camp is the perfect example of an initiative aimed at developing reception, integration and support mechanisms for our new residents. This is also one of the objectives behind our policy of living together. Over the years, Vaudreuil-Dorion has transformed significantly. Many of our new citizens have immigrant backgrounds. It is essential for our organization to participate in the development of a welcoming and inclusive community life. I would like to thank and congratulate all the employees and partners who contributed to the success of the Franco-fun camp project,” added Mayor Guy Pilon.

In the photo: Émilie Duquette, treasurer of the Board of Leisure and Sport Montérégie, Vincent Bastien, director of the Leisure and Culture Department, Geneviève Lalande-Bernatchez, section head – Day camps and entertainment, Pascale Lauzon, section head – Social development and diversity, Catherine Boyer-Dandurand, division head – Sports and leisure, Geneviève Ménard, member of the board of directors of Loisir et Sport Montérégie, and Patrick Lafleur, general director of Loisir et Sport Montérégie.



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