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The guardians of the Vaudreuil-Dorion tower reveal themselves

durée 06h30
18 juin 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

On June 13, CSUR la télé, in collaboration with the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion, presented its documentary "Les gardiens de la tour" for the very first time.

Lasting just under 60 minutes, the documentary, produced by Chantal Bédard and André Desrochers, sheds light on the creative process behind the now-famous fresco of the water tower in Vaudreuil-Dorion's Dorion sector, as well as the story of the characters and symbols immortalized forever in the city's landscape.

"This project wasn't meant to be a documentary. Initially, it was going to be a work of memory, of archives in the form of little vignettes, but we went crazy with passion," laughs the co-producer. 

Over sixty collaborators took part in Chantal Bédard and André Desrochers' project. These included the Musée régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges and the Centre d'archives de Vaudreuil-Soulanges. Several artists and citizens of Vaudreuil-Dorion also took part in the project, sometimes in front of the camera, other times only in audio.

In all, six guardians were featured in the documentary: the guardian of culture, represented by Félix-Leclerc; the guardian of education, Paul-Gérin-Lajoie; and the guardian of memory, represented by the railway bridge linking Île Perrot to Dorion.

A windmill dating back to seigneurial times, once located very close to the present-day water tower, represents the guardian of water, the guardian of the bridge, a reminder of the presence of a toll booth is illustrated by the railway worker.

Finally, the guardian of the family is represented by the portrait of the Juillet family enjoying the waterfront. The portrait of Mrs. Juillet and her family reminds us that the town was once a popular vacation spot for city dwellers. Mrs. Juillet, now 98, was on hand to witness the unveiling of the documentary.

"Every little story is a piece of a puzzle, and once these pieces are put together, they form a magnificent and above all important whole for the collective memory. That's what we wanted to do with this film," adds Chantal Bédard. 

A flagship project

The water tower project was inaugurated in 2019 as part of the 25th anniversary of the merger of the towns of Vaudreuil and Dorion. 

"When we started thinking about the project, it was essential for us to consult and involve citizens in the creative process. But it wasn't clear how. It was essential to co-create with them to ensure that the work carried meaning for the whole community and became a strong symbol," explains Chloé Marcil, Head of the Culture and Community Life Division at the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion.

The creation of the 138-foot-high mural was entrusted to the ASHOP collective, in collaboration with the non-profit organization KOLAB. "From the outset, KOLAB was sensitive to our challenge of citizen co-creation. They were curious and interested in our city's history, and that's how they were able to create this masterful work," added Ms. Marcil.

The documentary, Les gardiens de la tour, will be available for viewing on the CSUR la télé website in the near future.

QR codes will also be posted at the foot of the water tower, allowing the curious to learn more about the project, as well as the characters who watch over the residents of Vaudreuil-Dorion. Full details will be shared shortly. 




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