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Surpassing yourself at the 22nd edition of the Ste-Madeleine School Triathlon

durée 07h00
15 juin 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

Voir la galerie de photos

On Friday, June 14, under warm sunshine and a mercury of 24 degrees, some 495 students from Sainte-Madeleine school in Vaudreuil-Dorion took part in the 22nd edition of their annual triathlon.

The event was initiated at the turn of the 2000s by Carole Gilbert, now retired, but still involved in the day as a volunteer.

"We are proud to continue her work. At the time, we were the first school in Canada to organize a school triathlon. For example, grade 5 and 6 students had to swim 50 meters, bike 5 km and run 1.2 km. Our motto is really to allow all students to participate, but those who have difficulty pedaling or swimming. For example, giraffe bikes are made available to them, as are flotation devices. We accompany them so that they feel included and can complete the activity like their classmates," sums up Bruno Blais, physical education teacher at the primary school.

École Sainte-Madeleine has a triahtlon concentration, which means that in addition to the two scheduled physical education periods per week, the 52 students enrolled in this program have two extra. " From November to March, we train in the pool and from April to September, we focus on running and cycling."

The cycling and running circuits took place in the streets surrounding the school, which were closed to traffic for the occasion. Sporting competitions were held from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Excitement was palpable all along the route, as nearly a hundred volunteers and parents cheered on the students.

" Every year, the youngsters look forward to this day. For some, it's a chore, but for most, it's a lot of fun. This year, two former students from here are even with us as volunteers."

To organize an event of this magnitude, the Sainte-Madeleine school can count on a good network. "We have a great collaboration with the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion, the Sûreté du Québec, the municipal patrol and several other partners. We're lucky to be able to count on their support, as well as that of our volunteers. The Poulet rouge restaurant provides meals for parents after the activity. Maxime Besner's company Ékinox is also on hand to provide first aid in case of need. The company has been with us since the 22nd edition of the triathlon. We must also mention the generous volunteer participation of Jean-Pierre Champagne, who is used to hosting triathlons in the Greater Montreal area. He lives near here, and he takes a seat at the finish to introduce the participants," he adds.

Something new this year: a dozen parents were expected at the starting line to take part in the triathlon in the Parents category.

The day begins with effort, but ends with relaxation. After lunch, medals will be awarded to the young participants, and a musical performance will be given by a member of the teaching staff.




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