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20th Relay for Life beats all records

durée 07h00
13 juin 2024






Ginette  Brisebois
Par Ginette Brisebois

Voir la galerie de photos

The 20th edition of the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Relay for Life, a fund-raising walk for the Canadian Cancer Society, was a great success in terms of participation on Saturday June 8 at Pincourt's Olympic Park, according to Hugo Gendreau. 

He gave us a few statistics, demonstrating the growing popularity of this event: in 2024, 400 participants were registered, compared with 325 in 2023; 43 teams registered in 2024, compared with 35 teams in 2023; 57 corporate partners took part in the event in 2024, compared with 25 in 2024. In 2023, Relay for Life Vaudreuil-Soulanges ranked second in Quebec, by region, for total fundraising.

It's an event that's gaining in visibility and participation, points out Mr. Gendreau, head of corporate relations and co-head of communications for the Relay for Life Vaudreuil-Soulanges organizing committee.

Néomédia met some of the participants and volunteers on site. Maude, who has been a volunteer for several years, told us: “ I dedicate this relay to my great-uncle Maurice, who died in a few months of stage 4 lung cancer; although he was elderly, he was the youngest in his family. Despite the weather, there are still a lot of paIrticipants,” she added.

Please note that donations are not subject to attendance at the walk. Pincourt mayor Claude Comeau spoke at the event, remembering his sister who died of cancer at age 57. He said he remained hopeful: “I believe that one day, we will find a solution to this too-big word ‘cancer’ ” .

The two honorary co-presidents also spoke. Nathalie Gravel mentioned that the founder of the Relay could not be present due to his health, but that it was thanks to him that the Relay for Life in our region existed. Alexandre Nobert, who had testicular cancer and is now in remission, had no hesitation in saying: “I've had cancer twice; walking with you is what makes me proudest in the year. Every story is different, but we're all here for the same purpose".

Peter Schiefke, Member of Parliament for Vaudreuil-Soulanges, cancer survivor and honorary president of the 2023 edition of Relay for Life, was present and told us with conviction, “I would never want to miss an edition of this essential event.”

Before the walk, the butterflies took flight. Each registered walker received a live butterfly in a pretty box, and was invited to make a wish. 

After compilation, this year's walk recorded just over $177,000 in donations, $30,000 more than in 2023.

Since 1999, Relay for Life has brought together men and women who wish to take action against cancer. At Relay events, participants of all ages unite as a community and take turns walking along a track or path to symbolize perseverance and send a message of hope to improve lives today and change the future of cancer forever.



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