Following a survey
Hudson has finally chosen its emblematic bird
Hudson residents finally made their choice in a poll to elect the town's official bird. Between the Chimney Swift, the Barn Swallow, the Wood Thrush, the American Kingfisher and the Meadowlark, the respondents chose the fourth.
The American Kingfisher thus becomes the official bird of the Town of Hudson. It should be remembered that this initiative was prompted by Nature Canada's certification of the Town of Hudson as a Bird-Friendly Town, and that the Town decided to survey its population on the subject.
The bird is present on municipal territory. A fisher par excellence, the American Kingfisher lives up to its name. In Hudson, it can be seen along the Viviry River and in the vicinity of ponds. Since it nests in tunnels dug in the riparian strip, the loss of riparian habitat is causing declines in its population.
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