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Minor Hockey

A draw and a hard-fought victory for the Pionniers de Soulanges

durée 09h30
5 février 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

February got off to a flying start for the Soulanges High School Pionniers, who recorded a draw and a come-from-behind victory in recent days.  

To read also:

A 6-4 defeat for the Pionniers de Soulanges M14-D4

A win and a loss for the Pionniers

The M14-D4 players were in Saint-Lazare two days ago for their second game in two nights against Westwood High School. Through sheer determination, the local team managed to draw the game 5-5. 

Their performance was less inspired and inspiring than the previous day, and as a result, the coaches noted a number of areas for improvement in the coming weeks: failure to follow the game plan, poor penalties, negative comments on the bench and towards the referees' decisions.

Despite all this, two players showed character throughout the game and stood out for their quality of play. Antoine Denis was voted player of the match in recognition of his rigour and exemplary work ethic.As for Justin Turcotte, he is increasingly establishing himself as the quarterback of the defensive brigade with the quality of his play, game after game. He's calm with the puck, makes inventive plays and excels in both directions of the rink. 

An important victory for the M15 

For their part, the M15 Pioneers were in Montreal in the last few days to take on Collège Brébeuf. 

In a very close game, the Soulangeois managed to hold on to win 4-3.Lukas Lalonde led his team's offense with three points (2B-1P). Goalkeeper Joah Leblanc was also solid in his team's 11th win.

Charles Villemaire's team is now in 2nd place in its division, still chasing the leader, Collège Charles-Lemoyne.




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